
Eligibility Requirements

Competitors in the World Police & Fire Games must meet certain eligibility criteria. Persons must be employed by eligible agencies and:

  1. Must be at least 18 years of age and a trained, publicly-employed Law Enforcement Officer or Firefighter, or a retired Law Enforcement Officer or Firefighter from an eligible agency;
  2. Must have their primary occupation as that of a Law Enforcement Officer or Firefighter;
  3. Must be in good standing with the CPAF (not subject to current suspension or permanent disqualification).

Examples of eligible agencies include: Municipal, County, State and Federal Law Enforcement or Fire Service departments, State & Federal Forestry or Fish & Games departments; and, State Correctional Officers, Lifeguards & Investigators. (Several County Correctional departments are also eligible, depending upon duties/authority under the Penal Code.)

The CPAF office maintains a list of eligible agencies. Anyone who is unsure of their eligibility status must stop On-Line Entry now. A list of eligible agencies is detailed in the “eligibility section”, available at our web-site at www.cpaf.org or you may contact the Federation office for further information at 4info@cpaf.org

I believe I am eligible to compete in the World Police & Fire Games, based upon the Entrant Eligibility criteria as listed above.



  1. 18才以上の訓練され、公共機関に雇われた法執行官又は消防官であること及びその退職者であること。
  2. それらの職務を主な職業にしていること。
  3. カリフォルニア・ポリス・アスリート・フェデレーション(以下CPAF/WPFG本部母体組織)に友好な立場でいること。(現在CPAFからその立場を疑われておらず、WPFG競技からの永久追放処分を受けていないこと。)

